Cargill Ground Beef Life Cycle Assessment



Despite the fact that life cycle assessment (LCA) is a very vital tool, it has not been used in Uganda most likely because very little is known about it. In an attempt to initiate and promote LCA in Uganda, a partnership among Makerere University, selected agro-based companies, and Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) was initiated with the broad aim of promoting life bike thinking for improved agricultural products competitiveness on regional and international market. Specifically, the study focused on assessing and quantifying the environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of selected products.


Life cycle assessment tool was used to quantify ecology impacts including global warming, ecological toxicity, homo toxicity, photochemical oxidation, and abiotic depletion. A detailed, procedure-based gate-to-gate (core process) LCA arroyo in accordance with ISO 14040, 14044 (ISO 2006a, b), PCR 2012:07 CPC 013 Fruits and nuts together with PCR 2011:08, CPC 2143 Fruit juices was conducted. The functional units accept been redefined to; 1 litre of packaged juice ready for consumption and one kg of packaged dried fruits including the non-edible parts. Calculations at the subcontract phase involved calculations of internet emission from country cover changes using; ΔC = Æ© (activity data * emission gene). Calculations of N2O from manure direction were obtained.

Results and discussion

Carbon dioxide emissions mainly result from the change of tree cover to crop fields and use of fossil fuel. The other impact categories (ecological toxicity, human toxicity, photochemical oxidation, and abiotic depletion) were brought about past the packaging material used. Results also showed that energy consumption was highest at the agronomical phase of stale pineapples processing and product/factory life wheel stage of sweet bananas. The main challenge during cess was lack of records.


There is demand for avoiding or minimizing the conversion of forest-covered land into agronomical land employ due to the high-carbon emissions associated with the alter, and for switching to renewable free energy sources. In that location is need for a national database to support LCA efforts.


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We also thank Raul Carlson for the technical support and training in training and during the study. We are also grateful to Makerere University, the agro-based companies and Uganda National Agency of Standards for institutional support that was very crucial for this study.


We thank Swedish Standards Establish for the funding that enabled u.s.a. to conduct out this study under the "Trade Promotion through Standardisation in the E African Region" project.

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Mfitumukiza, D., Nambasa, H. & Walakira, P. Life cycle assessment of products from agro-based companies in Uganda. Int J Life Bicycle Assess 24, 1925–1936 (2019).

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  • Agro-based
  • Stale
  • Juice
  • Mango
  • Pineapples
  • Sweetness bananas
  • Uganda


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